Case Study
List of Typical Routine Projects (A Succinct List)
- Measurement of force required for twist opening medicine bottles & vial aluminium cap seals.
- Coconut Green & Brown Husk Testing as per IS standards for Central Institute
- for Research on Cotton Technology
- Peeling / Tear Strength
- Puncture test:-Longitudinal direction & Transverse Direction
- By screw drive -10 mm in diameter.
- By blunt centre punch 10 mm in diameter
- Tensile testing of external coconut hard side.
- Analysis of moisture content of green husk
- Bend test of a husk / U bend test at 1800.
- Compression test :- Half skull flattening test in longitudinal test
- Competitor analysis for fly ash bricks
- Competitor analysis and high speed video testing of various plastic pipes
- Mechanical testing of composites samples used for defence applications
- Peeling force required to peel an adhesive tape off of a steel surface.
- Polypropylene sewage collapsible pipe brittleness test at -250 C.
- Corrosion analysis of ball pen tip & nipple.
- Failure analysis of bobbins imported from China
- Luggage bags zip testing
- Luggage bags fiber testing.
- Spot welded clamp testing
- Failure analysis on machine part.
- Bath Analysis of Electro plating solutions including
- Silver Plating
- Zinc Plating
- Tin Plating
- Analysis of commercial lime, cement and industrial chemical wastes.
- Failure analysis of weld joints.
- Analysis of cryogenic composite pipes used for cryogenic applications.
- Metallurgical & microscopic analysis of heat treated components.
- Failure analysis of automotive components.
- Failure analysis of aircraft components.
- Weld analysis – Macroscopic Examination.
- Failure analysis of casting parts failures
- Failure analysis of joints. (Rivets, Welds, Fasteners)
- Mechanical testing of fasteners.
- Failure Analysis of Fasteners.

To see how FAN can help your organization for your products and materials testing.